Light Smoke Headlight & Tail Light Tint Film

Light Smoke Headlight & Tail Light Tint Film


The Light Smoke Headlight and Taillight Tint films are designed to bond to your lights with optically clear non-permanent adhesive. These high quality films are designed to ensure protection from stones and give a factory installed appearance that will last up to 7 years.  You can be sure that our films are non-damaging and non-permanent. The vinyl is made of a high quality polymeric PVC vinyl which allows the material to be highly flexible and not discolour under stretching.

Brand: Chromatic Vinyl Films
Type: L-1000 Series
Material: Polymeric PVC
Thickness:  160 Micron
Durability: 4-7 Years
Adhesive: Repositional, Clear and Non Permanent
Feature: 3 Layers which includes a protective outer layer for application 
Application: Wet or Dry on vehicle lenses

Check out our video tutorials below on how to install our films on a headlight and taillight